

How can I help?

AAC Services

Let's tackle aac together


AAC Evaluations

Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) can be a game changer in finding your child’s voice. This process starts with a 60-minute evaluation to explore different AAC options in a play-based environment and gather important information from the caregiver. The trial phase comes next where we will trial a few options over the span of 4-6 weeks before helping you navigate the funding process. 

Speech & Language Therapy

Our therapy services are individualized to meet your unique needs in the areas of speech, language, fluency, and more. Session duration & frequency as well as goals are determined based on your unique plan of care. We provide services in-home, daycares and therapy centers, and virtually. 


School Contracts & Consulting

We contract with schools across the United States to provide training and support communication needs in the classroom setting. Our contracted services range from virtual trainings to in-person therapy & evaluations. We also provide support to families navigating the Individualized Educational Evaluation (IEE) process.

Professional Development & Speaking Engagements

Our live courses focus on equipping SLPs and related professions to confidently support individuals who use AAC and to learn more about gestalt language processing. We help SLPs learn how to implement evidence-based interventions and provide real-life tips and engaging, hands-on demonstrations. 


1:1 Coaching & Consultations

We offer next-level support for professionals and parents looking for individualized guidance with AAC. Choose from a 12-week coaching program or one-off consultation depending on your personal needs.