Need AAC research and perspectives to support your decision making process? You’re in the right place. This is a growing page of evidence-based research and AAC perspectives organized by common area of discussion. While it’s important to consider the research, please know that there is not going to be an article or study available for every single question we have about AAC. We hope these easily accessible links will be helpful to your AAC journey.
Moorcroft, A., Scarinci, N., & Meyer, C. (2019). “We were just kind of handed it and then it was smoke bombed by everyone”: How do external stakeholders contribute to parent rejection and the abandonment of AAC systems? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. Review available: The Informed SLP
Moorcroft, A., Scarinci, N., & Meyer, C. (2019). Speech pathologist perspectives on the acceptance versus rejection or abandonment of AAC systems for children with complex communication needs. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Review Available: The Informed SLP
Moorcroft, A., Allum, J., & Scarinci, N. (2021). Speech language pathologists’ responses to the rejection or abandonment of AAC systems. Disability and Rehabilitation. Review available: The Informed SLP
Moorcroft, A., Scarinci, N., & Meyer, C. (2019). “I’ve had a love-hate, I mean mostly hate relationship with these PODD books”: Parent perceptions of how they and their child contributed to AAC rejection and abandonment. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Review available: The Informed SLP
I’m a speech-language pathologist specializing in AAC and school-based services. I support parents, teachers, and SLPs with neurodiversity affirming strategies that foster connection and communication. I’m an Enneagram 3, love a good vanilla latte, and can’t wait to help you tackle all of your AAC goals and questions.