Feeling stuck explaining AAC?

I totally get it.


Get the 40 page AAC Handbook for $47


I know... AAC can be a challenge, especially when you're just starting out!

But I've put together a resource that will help with all of it!


The AAC Handbook

Simple handouts for caregivers & clinicians

Here are some topics inside...

and many many more!

Get the 40 page AAC Handbook for $47

"You NEED this handbook!"

“If you work with AAC users/learners, want to learn more about AAC, are a parent of an AAC user/learner, or work with AAC in ANY capacity.- you NEED this handbook! Emily has covered all the questions, while providing helpful tips and resources – truly a comprehensive resource! I can’t wait to use and share these resources with the professionals and families I work with. Thank you Emily for providing this one stop shop resource!”

-Megan Stewart, MS CCC-SLP

Published by

Hey there, I’m Emily. You might know me from Instagram where I share about all things AAC!

I’ve presented at conferences like #TalkingAAC and AAC in the Cloud & I’ve trained hundreds of SLPs in my best-selling workshop Managing AAC in the Classroom.

I own a private practice and exclusively support AAC needs in Texas & provide parent coaching nation-wide.

I've been featured in...

"this is a must have resource"

“Emily has provided a set of AAC handouts that are clear and concise. They answer all of your AAC questions and provide a clear starting point for different AAC content areas. The handouts are perfect to share with families and professionals alike. This is a must have resource for all speech therapists working with AAC users!!”

-Lauren Greenlief MS CCC-SLP

Ready to get rid of the endless Google searches?

Find all the information you need to share about AAC with your teams right here in The AAC Handbook.

Needs some ideas for how to use The AAC Handbook? Check these out:

Get the 40 page AAC Handbook for $47

"it covers it all."

“This handout is the guide and foundation to AAC. It can be utilized by providers and caregivers. It is done with simplistic, easy to understand terms, but capturing the evidence and implementation needed for practical AAC. From who’s a candidate, to where to start, and how to see communication grow, it covers it all. Thank you Emily for creating an easy and accessible tool to help service providers and caregivers facilitate communication!”

-Taylor Musick MS CCC-SLP

Frequently asked questions

Here is the full list of topics:

  • A General Overview of AAC
  • Different Types of AAC Technology
  • 4 Common AAC Myths Busted
  • Aided Language Stimulation
  • AAC Prompting Hierarchy
  • Communication Bill of Rights
  • Stimming and AAC
  • Gestalt Language Processing
  • Overview of AAC Evaluation Process
  • STAP Process for Funding SGDs (Texas only)
  • Ready to Use High Tech AAC
  • Dear Parent/Dear Teacher Letters
  • AAC Affirmations List
  • Communication Passport
  • Shared Reading Strategies
  • Managing Multiple Symbols Sets in One Classroom
  • Descriptive Teaching Model
  • 4 AAC Competency Areas
  • Sample AAC Goal Bank
  • Parents: Questions to Ask Your New SLP
  • 5 Most Common AAC Apps Descriptions
  • 4 Types of AAC Access Methods
  • Least Dangerous Assumption
  • Balancing Core & Fringe Vocabulary
  • Motor Planning & Selecting a Grid Size
  • What if Your Child “Isn’t Interested” in AAC?
  • Why Not PECS?
  • AAC Self Rating Survey
  • Beyond Requesting – Communicative Functions

Because of the digital nature of this product, we cannot offer refunds on this product.

You can pay entirely online via Credit Card or PayPal.

One purchase of the Handbook is good for one license so please don’t send copies to your SLP team or upload to any cloud storage (such as Google Drive) to share. Please purchase multiple licenses if you wish to share with your team of SLPs.

You can, however,

  • Use this product for you and your caseload
  • Email/print these documents to hand out to other professionals (e.g. teachers, paraprofessionals, OTs) for the purpose of educating them on the topic of AAC.
  • Email/print portions of this resources home to parents and caregivers.
  • Upload these to a private, secured place on the internet.

Absolutely! For SLP teams of 10 or more, we’ll give you a bulk discount of 15%. Just email [email protected] with the subject line “Bulk Discount” and we’ll walk you through the process.

Get the 40 page AAC Handbook for $47

The AAC Handbook is available in both English & Spanish!